Sometime September, I was asked by Pastor Ronald Reyes of Pury Wesleyan Church, San Antonio, Quezon to speak at the church 15th anniversary on October 14 sunday at 3:00 pm in the afternoon. I accepted the invitation. I then asked Rev. Bayani Gabrillo, National Central District Superintendent if he can come with me that sunday. He said he will. His wife Ptra. Orpha & youngest son BJ actually came with us.
I suggested we leave saturday morning so that we will not be pressed for time. Pastor Bay was to make the arrangements. A few days before the trip, Pastor Ernie Largo asked if he could come. I knew why this fellow pastor wanted to come. It is because he was actually, with his wife, who started the church in San Antonio, Quezon 15 years back. Told him we were leaving the day before & would be sleeping overnight. Brother Ernie Santiano of Cainta Wesleyan Church asked also if he could come. Said the same thing to him.
And so saturday October 13, 10:30 am, the Gabrillos’ were at my place. We left for Quezon immediately thereafter. As soon as we boarded the car I said, Let us pray. Commiting our trip and my driving, thanked God for the covering of the Blood of the LORD Jesus (Rev. 12:11) upon us. Commanded God’s angels to be encamped round about us (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11; Ps. 103:20). “The Blood” is a shield & hedge of protection & God’s angels guarantees our safety. HALLELUJAH! Drove the entire way. We took a longer but scenic route by way of Antipolo, passing through many towns & municipalities of Rizal, Laguna & Quezon. We stopped three times along the way.
First, to buy some fruits (lanzones);
Second, we stopped, as we were going through the zigzag, overlooking the Laguna Lake, to take some pictures and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. I remember the scriptures in Romans 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them.; and Psalm 8:1 To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. Psalm 8:3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
Third, we ate lunch in a nice, clean restaurant at about 1:00 pm. We enjoyed our lunch of fish (pangat), chicken (very tasty), vegetables & rice. The cooking was typical Filipino food but pleasantly superb.
We continued on passing through the towns all the way to San Pablo and on to San Antonio, Quezon. We arrived safely at about 3:30 pm. Praise the LORD for His traveling mercies!
We saw Pastor Ronald at the church and were informed that we are to stay with the Lanto family. We then proceeded to their house and met Nanay Lita, her daughters Joan with little Audrey, Judith & Mr. Pablito Lanto, the head of the family. Nanay Lita was a very gracious host. She made sure that we were fed right during our stay. We slept in an air condition bedroom, Praise the LORD!
After dinner that night, I asked about going to another church for sunday worship, considering that the anniversary was to start at 3:00 pm. I was informed about Bethany Church, whose pastor is a friend of Pastor Ronald. What I did not know was that Pastor Ronald must have texted the pastor of said church about my desire to come to his church.
At about 8:30 pm saturday night, while talking with our host, Pastor Hernando Ico came and I was introduced to him. He asked me if I am willing to speak at his church the next morning. I gladly accepted his offer. We then had a very open conversation. I learned that he, with his beloved wife Shirley, are church planters. They have planted a number of churches in Quezon. The church I am to speak at is his home church where he is the pastor. I made sure that he also knew were I was coming from. I shared with him my passion for ministry: That my calling from God is that of an evangelist and as pastor teacher (Eph.4:11); that I have sought since I was born again September 1975 to center my life in the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20); and that my daily confession is: I am a soul-winner (Prov.11:30). I am a fisher of men (Matt.4:19) & I am a worker in the harvest field for souls until the LORD returns (Matt.9:37-38)!
Slept intermittently that night. My heart and mind were thinking of the church celebration, the people that will be coming. Also, I found myself praying much for both the morning service at Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church and the Pury Wesleyan Church 15th anniversary.
Next morning, a hearty full breakfast consisting of sinangag, hot meat soup, & tasty looking grilled pork meat (tenderloin) were prepared by Nanay Lita & her girls. I then prayed for our host as I was holding Nanay Lita’s left hand with my right hand. Ate a full, good meal to have all the energy that I would need for ministry all day. Praise God for the marthas’ in our churches. I remember a passage of scripture from Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
At 8:45 am, we rode with Pastor Ronald and Brother Cris de Torres to Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church. When we arrived at the church, God’s people, were already wonderfully worshipping the LORD. The praise & worship team were enthusiastically leading His people into His presence. Truly God inhabiteth the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel).
The pastor ushered me, Pastor Gabrillo & Pastor Ronald to the front. After the worship, Pastor Ronald was asked to introduce us. He then asked Rev. Bayani Gabrillo to introduce me to the congregation. Then for the next hour or so, I preached on the text the LORD wanted me to preach on, Psalm 1:1-3 & Psalm 19:7-11. The title of the message: “GOD’S WORD: THE KEY TO SUCCESS & PROSPERITY.” The following is the text message I sent Pastor Hernando Ico at 3:11 pm October 15th that best describes the atmosphere in his church.
Dear Ptr. Hernan, thank u so much 4 having me preach in ur home church. It was a privilege & honor2have ministered God’s Word 2 ur people. Praise God 4 open hearts & minds. I looked at their faces as I was preaching, everyone was very attentive (Prov.4:20-23) soaking in God’s Words frm d lips of His messenger. I praise d LORD 4d work dat u & ur wife w/ ur sons r doing in dat church & I know in d other churches God has enabled u 2 start. Be strong & courageous, my brother (Joshua 1:7). Ur labor will not, never b in vain in d LORD! (1Cor.15:58). Our work is 2 build d Kingdom of God in d hearts & lives of people tru d Gospel of d LORD Jesus Christ & it is a labor of love (1Thes.1:2-3; Heb.6:10). Prayng4u, ur family & ministry d prayers of d Apostle Paul in Eph.1:15-23; 3:14-21; Col.1:9-14. In Christ Love, Ptr. EPS..
As I closed the message, I prayed for the entire congregation.
Pastor Hernan was to pray for the sick. He asked me instead to pray for his people who came in front to be prayed over. Seven women came, one of whom was a 39 year old mother of five, diagnosed with cervical cancer. Pastor Hernan informed me of her condition. I then spoke to them God’s Words on healing and prayed for them.
I requested that I be able to talk to the woman with cancer before we leave. After some snacks were served, I sat down & talked with her. Anointed her with oil in the name of our LORD (James 5:14-15) & proclaimed healing over her. Instructed her to fill her heart & mind with HEALING SCRIPTURES and speak them over her body again & again everyday. This is how she will maintain her healing. (Proverbs 18:21; Mark 11:22-24; Romans 10:8-10).
We said our parting words to one another. Proceeded back to our home base for a sumptuous lunch. After prayer for God’s blessing for the food, Pastor & Mrs. Largo, woman companion with Pastor Jun Guinto arrived. They joined us just in time for lunch.
After I ate, was asked by Nanay Lita to talk to her Kumare whose name is Juliet. I jokingly asked: where is Romeo? She said that was in fact the name of her husband. She was carrying a baby girl who I thought was her grandchild. A young girl came & got the baby from her. She was Juliet’s daughter. I then began to talk to the two of them. Asked them proving questions such as: Is there true & false? They answered yes. If so, is there such a thing as true faith & false faith. Again, the answer was yes. Then I asked: are all people God’s children? Answer both yes. This is their answer because this is the teaching of their religion (Roman Catholic). I said if we are all children of God, then we did not need to talk anymore because then, if they die they will go to heaven. I then shared with them God’s Word like John 8:44; 1 John 3:8,10 to let them know that not all are children of God. Yet God desires all to become His children (John 1: 12). I emphasized to the two that there is such a thing as true, genuine faith and false, fake faith, therefore counterfeit. I did not have much time with them because we had to go to the house of Joan, for house blessing, Nanay Lita’s daughter. Before I ended my time with Juliet & her daughter, I suggested when they got back to their house, they get a notebook & pen, write down everything they believe in. There religious beliefs and everything they are holding on to that has been handed down to them by their loved ones. Then, with a Bible, check & make sure that everything that they have written down in the notebook agree, line up with God’s Words. If it does not, then they MUST MAKE A CHOICE: God’s Words or Man’s words. Left them with the scripture in Jeremiah 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Proceeded with the Gabrillos’, Largos’ and the rest of the group with Joan to her new house. Everyone made confessions & prayed over the house and the family of Joan (daughter Audrey & husband in Korea). I then closed with prayer.
On to the 15th Anniversary of Pury Wesleyan Church. Actual celebration started at 3:30 pm with the Praise & Worship team led by Geraldine Austria, a singing champion in the whole of San Antonio, Quezon. She actually grew up in this church. With her beautiful booming, firm, strong, whole voice, she led God’s people that afternoon into God’s Holy Presence! Hallelujah! She was assisted by Pastor Ronald, who looked like a noontime matinee. Two young men were playing the guitar & the drums.The church was packed. Believers in two other churches came. Pastor Hernan, wife Shirley & members of Bethany Church (where I preached in the morning) came. Pastor Paulino Torres, Jr., wife Edna and his whole church came in full force.
Scripture reading was supposed to be read. Instead, to the surprise of everyone, two beautiful identically dressed girls (actually sisters), came in front. With mike in hand, they recited by memory verbatim Psalm 23 (KJV). It was a beautiful & powerful recitation of God’s precious Words. Noted this in my message and pronounced blessings upon those two precious daughters of a policewoman member Mrs. Irene Ilao Garcia. She belongs to the San Antonio, Quezon Police (PNP). She testified that she was on duty that sunday. Did not know what to do because she was yearning to be in the celebration. Noontime, one of her daughter became sick. She then called in sick because of her daughter. It was because of this that she was able to attend. She testified with tears in her eyes of the goodness & faithfulness of the LORD!
A member of the Austria family read the history of the church. The reading was interspersed & sprinkled with testimonies of the many men & women, their families who have become part of the church family. Included were the faithful workers and pastors that the LORD brought to San Antonio, Quezon for the last 15 years led by Pastor & Mrs. Largo, many others and now Pastor Ronald Reyes.
Another member of the church Marissa (if I remember her name right) gave a powerful testimony of her conversion. She used to be a “tomboy”. She was jealous of her youngest sister for years. It was because the youngest was her father’s favorite. Did everything that men did: drinking, smoking, & many other ungodly deeds. God used the healing of his late father to bring her to Christ! Hallelujah! She said that before she was born again, she thought of such people as weird, emotional & crazy. She stood her ground against her own clan & family when she got saved. Before she ended her testimony, she sung a powerful song with all her heart. Praise the LORD for the work He has done in the lives of these people in San Antonio, Quezon. Truly God’s Word in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” is true.
It was time for the proclamation of God’s Words. Time: 5:00 pm. With out any introduction, I commenced. My message was about “Faith: The Christians’ Way of Life in this World.” Text: Romans 1:17; Gal.3:11b; Habakkuk 2:4. As it was in the morning at Bethany Church, so it was in this celebration. I felt such a sense of freedom to preach God’s Word. The words just flowed from out of my mouth. The words of the LORD Jesus in Matthew 12:34b “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” is very pertinent & relevant in the ministry of preaching. God’s messengers must be so full, overflowing with God’s Words, therefore skilled, so that what comes out of his mouth are words that are alive & powerful (Hebrews 4:12), literally “Words of Life”. The opposite of this is also abysmally, profoundly true. When I was done after an hour, I was literally wet because I was perspiring all over. It was good to have ministered God’s unchanging & wonderful Word. Praise the LORD!
The preacher must be expectant & optimistic. He must await, foresee and reckon that the promise of God in Isaiah 55:11 “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” is true and must surely come to pass because God is faithful. One has no business preaching if he does not believe this. This promise is anchored on Isaiah 43:26 Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified and Isaiah 44:26a That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers.
These truths have been confirmed and seen in the lives of His people in San Antonio, Quezon. Their lives has once again been encouraged, energized, revived, stirred, strengthened, touched by God through the preaching of His Words. They are once again ready & equipped to face the challenges that life will surely bring.
After the service, the people were treated to a combination of spaghetti, bread, puto and drinks. Fellowship was on going among the members of the three churches. Love for the saints and friendship was very apparent.
A sumptuous dinner was prepared for us by Nanay Lita and her girls. Give aways (pasalubong) were generously given to us all. The words of Paul ring true 1 Thessalonians 1:2 We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; 3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father. We then said our goodbyes to everyone, promising that God willing, we shall again behold their faces in the near future.
We left San Antonio, Quezon at 7:35 pm. We took the faster route through San Pablo City and on to the SLEX. By 9:50 pm, we were in Katipunan Avenue, in front of Ateneo, were the Gabrillos’ alighted and took a taxi. Praise God for His goodness and faithfulness!
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