The Way of the Cross Leads to Heaven

The Way of the Cross Leads to Heaven

Thursday, August 4, 2011


4th August 2011
Dear Christian Worker:

Do you ever think of ways to possibly help add to your limited financial resources? Or are you one of those in ministry who have “more than enough” when it comes to finances/money?

Most of those in so-called “full time ministry” find themselves short of finances. I for one, at this time in my Christian life, desire to be able to earn ADDITIONAL money to help fulfill the mandate of the LORD upon my life as an Evangelist and fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20 KJV). To many, the need is to help meet the pressing family needs like food, clothing and education for their children.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not questioning ones faith in the ability of the LORD to provide for His workers in the ministry. I believe though that we can trust the LORD to lead us to some legitimate and clean ways and means of raising money to help finance the work of the ministry and help meet the needs of God’s called servants.

Once, a few years ago in Brooklyn, New York, I asked a Christian African-American lady whether ministers and workers in the LORD’s vineyard needs money to be able to do works of ministry? She categorically replied ‘NO’. I then gave her an example to counter her answer.

I said that if I need to be in Jersey City, New Jersey to visit and minister to the spiritual needs, say, of a Christian family, I must be able to go to their home. Now, coming from Brooklyn, New York City, I definitely need money for gasoline in order for my van to bring me to New Jersey. I also need toll money to go through the NYC tunnels or bridges. And I said that in almost all aspects of ministry, "MONEY IS NEEDED AND MONEY DOES NOT FALL FROM HEAVEN".

I believe that with the advent of modern technology and the indispensable use of computers from anywhere in the world, there are legitimate ways of earning clean, good money to help God’s workers fund their family and ministry logistical needs and requirements.

I believe that I have found a way to help me just do this. The good thing about it is that I need not shell out any money. I need only give a little of my time to do what the program says I have to do using the computer.

And then trust the LORD to possibly bring some money into my pocket to enable me to do two things: travel as an Itinerant Evangelist all over the Philippines without anyone being burdened to shoulder my travelling expenses and have some money to give to those who are in need as I minister God’s Precious Pure Word to them wherever the LORD leads me (Psalm 112; Galatians 6:9-10 KJV).

Find out for yourself what I am writing about. Go to my ministry blog:

and Click on the Link:

under the Suggested Websites.

Share this even with your family and friends. It will help in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

Evangelist Emmanuel Salvador

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